Two opportunities to meet with your local legislators coming up this Saturday March 12. Both virtual. Let your legislators know you support pro-vaccine, pro-science policies! Senator Ginal (SD 14) and Representives Cathy Kipp (HD-52)) and Andrew Boesnecker (HD-53). Join here. ![]() Aurora delegation. Register here.
We are pleased to announce that HB-1144, HB-1200 and HB-1201 were all defeated in their committee hearings last week! We are so grateful to our coalition partners for all of the hard work put forth to defeat these bills and gather together wonderful pro-vaccine advocates to testify at the Capital. House Business Affairs and Labor committee, where HB 1200 and 1201 were heard. House Health and Insurance Committee, which heard HB-1144 CIA Board Member Aimee (Immunologist) provides testimony as a medical expert. CIA Executive Director represents CIA during testimony. CIA member Alicia provides community testimony.
Another day, another chance to testify against anti-vaccine bills! CIA advocates and coalition partners will testify against HB22-1200 and HB22-1201 at the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee today. Listen here.
Happening Now: Several of our pro-vaccine advocates, along with our pro-vaccine coalition partners, will testify in opposition to HB 1144 "Naturally Acquired Immunity COVID-19" which would require employers/agencies that require employees to be vaccinated for COVID-19 to accept proof of prior COVID infection in lieu of vaccination. We will be live Tweeting the hearing, so be sure to follow us @COParents4Vax. You may also listen to the House Health and Insurance Committee hearing here. Bill will likely be heard around 3:00pm.
Representative Mary Young, Saturday, February 26 10am. Join here.
Colorado Immunization Advocates has new informational flyers in English and Spanish. Please help raise awareness of our work. If you have an upcoming pediatrician or other medical appointment, we would greatly appreciate it if you would print a copy of the flyers and ask their office if they would be willing to post them on any public information boards they have. These flyers are also perfect for posting on any public bulletin boards as businesses you frequent (libraries, coffee shops, etc). Thank you!
Lot's of opportunities to meet your local legislators this weekend! Click on the links for registration information. Representatives Cathy Kipp (HD-52) and Andrew Boesnecker (HD-53). Join here. Representatives Titone (HD-27), Daugherty (HD-29) and Senator Zinzinger (SD-19). Join here. Representative Sullivan (HD-37). Register here. Representatives Cutter (HD-25) Duran (HD-24), Kennedy (HD-23), Tipper (HD-28) and Senator Peterson (SD-22). Register here.
Get to know your local elected officials! Here are several upcoming opportunities to speak with your legislators and let them know you support pro-science, pro-vaccine policies!
Coffee with Constituents with Representative Shannon Bird (HD-35): Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month, next one Feb 10 at 7:30am. Location and RSVP information here. Coffee meet and greet with Representative Mary Young (HD-50): Saturday, February 12th, 9:00 am -11:00 am at Your Place Coffee, 2308 W. 17th St., Greeley. Virtual Town Hall with Representatives Cathy Kipp (HD-52) and Andrew Boesnecker (HD-53) and Senator Joann Ginal (SD-14) will hold a virtual Town Hall this Saturday February 12 from 10-11am. Join here. Representatives Exum (HD 17) and Snyder (HD18) and Senator Lee (SD11) will hold a virtual town hall this Saturday, Jan 29 at 9:30am. Join them to hear about their legislative goals for the 2022 session and to let them know you support pro-vaccine, pro-science policies. Register here.
Representatives Judy Amabile (HD 13), Edie Hooten (HD 10) and Senator Steve Fenberg (SD 18) will host a virtual town hall on Wednesday, January 26 at 6:00pm. Join them and learn about their goals for the 2022 legislative session and let them know you support pro-vaccine, pro-science policies. Register here and submit any questions here. Not sure who your local legislators are? Find them here.
MediaIf you have seen local vaccine-related items in the news or have a hot tip, please contact us. Archives
September 2022
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