Colorado Immunization Advocates (formerly Colorado Parents for Vaccinated Communities) is an organization of Colorado parents and community members. that supports pro-science vaccine policy for the safety of our children and our community. We are proud of the accomplishments we've made over the years to help keep our community safe and healthy! Here are just a few:
2022 Legislative session:
CIA and our coalition partners worked together to defeat the following anti-vaccine bills in at their respective committee hearings:
2022 Legislative session:
CIA and our coalition partners worked together to defeat the following anti-vaccine bills in at their respective committee hearings:
- HB 22-1100 "Prohibit Discrimination Against COVID-19 Status ": would have provided several protections for unvaccinated individuals. It would have prohibited adverse action by an individual, a government agency, an employer, or a health insurer, due to unvaccinated status and allowed for injunctive relief, punitive damages, and attorney fees for the worker
- HB 22-1201 "Standards for Immunization Requirements": would have required exemptions be available for all required immunizations if:
- Pivotal clinical trial the FDA relied on to approve the immunization did not evaluate the immunization's safety, for at least one year after the immunization was first administered, against a control group
- the immunization has not been approved by the FDA
- the immunization has only received emergency use authorization
- the immunization manufacturer is not liable for injury or death caused by the immunization (PREP Act)
- HB 22-1200 "Employee Exemption COViD-19 Vaccine Requirement": would have required an employer to grant an employee an exemption if the employee submits a written request stating that compliance would endanger the employee's or household member's health and well-being or would violate or conflict with the employee's sincerely held religious beliefs. A religious belief includes nontheistic moral and ethical beliefs as to what is right and wrong. Any terminated employee is eligible for worker’s compensation.
- HB 22-1144 "Naturally Acquired Immunity COVID-19 ": would have required an employer or a state agency that imposes a COVID-19 vaccine or testing requirement as a condition of employment to allow a person subject to the requirement to provide documentation demonstrating that the person has naturally acquired immunity to the disease by contracting COVID-19.
- CIA worked with a large coalition of immunization supporters to get SB 163 "Immunization Requirements for School Entry" passed in 2020. This bill creates "equal effort" meaning that those seeking non-medical exemptions must either have an official exemption form signed by a licensed vaccination provider or complete an online immunization education module from CDPHE.
- CIA advocates helped to defeat HB-1191 in 2021, which would have prevented CO employers from requiring COVID vaccinations for employment
Our Members in action
CIA members engage in our community in a number of ways. From attending a Parent Lobby Day at the Capital, to testifying at legislative bill hearings and more, our members find so many ways to make Colorado a healthier state for our community!
Support our work
Colorado Immunization Advocates (CIA) works tirelessly to educate community members on how to become effective advocates for pro-vaccine policies. We need your help to expand CIA's membership and work so we can reach all Coloradans and help make our families and community safe from vaccine-preventable disease. Support our mission today!
*Colorado Immunization Advocates is a 501(c)(4) organization. As such, donations are not tax-deductable.
*Colorado Immunization Advocates is a 501(c)(4) organization. As such, donations are not tax-deductable.